
Hey cutie UwUMy name is Reverie and I like taking pretty pictures! I've been dabbling with gpose for a little over a year, though I do feel like I'm constantly learning something new every day.My passion is single model portraits but I can do couples, throuples, and more if that's what you really want. I simply prefer having one person to focus on and make shine. I'm not great at posing people together just yet so I can't guarantee the same quality of those pieces in comparison.Oh, and if you see flowery poetry, give it no mind. I like to romanticize mundane things. I find it makes life a little more interesting.Anyway, thanks for stopping by and showing interest in my work! I appreciate you, even if you're just here to look ♥

Commission Info

I do this for fun, therefore I offer these gposes on a PAY WHAT YOU WANT basis.You are free to wait until I present you with the finished product to decide how much you think it is worth. All I ask is that you offer at least something. They take a considerable amount of my time and brain power and I will greatly appreciate anything you're willing to give.If you are really stumped about how much to offer, I have been paid anywhere between 13k to 3mil gil per image so far. I hope that helps!I generally take the gpose and edit it in photoshop myself, but if you have an image you'd like me to touch up, I can do that as well.I can do magic or vanilla, I don't mind at all! Just let me know so we can sync up if need be ♥
(MCDF works as well if you're on a different data center!)

If you are looking to commission me for a gpose, feel free to message me in game! We can trade discord information for further communication afterward if you're comfortable with that, as well.I like to take my time with these. Rushing stresses me out and when I'm stressed I end up hating my work and everyone has a bad time. If you are on a time crunch, probably wait until you aren't.If you have a pose or reference in mind, feel free to send it to me!♥ Thank you so much for your interest ♥